Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Acquaintance

Do people usually write about themselves in blogs? In order for their readers to get an idea of what kind of a person he or she really is, and decide whether or not they will like their posts? I don't know. Frankly, I want to keep my identity unknown, there are reasons for that. First of all, we live in Kuwait, meaning, your ''reputation'' is everything really. If you write shit about your personal life, that's not considered ''right'', if you write stuff about your friends lets say, or your family, its like wtf, man? Are you seriously talking about these people and their problems in your posts? Sh'hal fi9'ayi7? So basically, I'm gonna write everything that happens in our lives everyday, without mentioning any names, yeah? Good, yeah? Just to read about all the drama, keep it juicy and pretty, people can enjoy reading this shit without knowing who the ''subjects'' really are. Some, I'm sure will be able to figure it out... Others won't. I'll write stuff about what happens daily at school, uni... I call it school because I want to? It pisses people off, jeez! I don't get what your problem is, I like it that way, so why the fuck not? Random... So yeah, if anyone has a problem with what I have on, or find whatever I say offensive, you can send me an email or comment on one of my posts, but... And keep this ''but'' in your mind. I wouldnt give two shitts, and I wouldnt stop because he or she read whatever I wrote as an insult. Are you seriously that gay? Seriously? If you dont like what I talk about, then close the fucking window, I like being honest. If you can't deal with that,then I dont know, act all emo and cut your wrists... Sideways my dear. Yeah? When you have the sharp blade on your wrist, cut sideways, not up and down. The pain is so much more pleasent that way. Faggot/Female Faggot :) Thanks. Everyone else, I hope you find the posts entertaining, read them when you're bored and have an hour or so of ''no life''. We all have those hours sometimes. So this is me basically, it's the first time I blog, so if I screw up about whatever, just be patient please and kindly offer your help. Thanks.
N. Kk

1 comment:

  1. what a warm welcome! cant stop bitching can u :P aah luv u.
