Monday, April 20, 2009

Mistaken Lust For Love, I Finally Had Enough Of Your Bull. What You Tryna Pull, Mami? Don't Try Me.

"You knew i was weak for love, so you wrote me love letters sweeter than a peach, you relax me like the beach Shawtyyy! Thoughts got so deep Shawtyyy... I've been gettin cold feet. Even the truth is a lie! The truth is love could be so ruthless. You is so bad, you know your so bad! But you won't be the baddest I've ever had!"
Did I mention I love this song? Did I? Did I? I do! very much so, yes. I do! ♪ ♪ ♪ <3

Another great day! ;D

I've realized that I start most of my posts by describing briefly how my day went; i.e: such a long day, good day, etc. Bleh... I don't get how I'm an English Literature major, even Ms. Q says so! :O She makes fun of some stuff I say or write. Like what, you say? Hmm... Okay, well because I've went to a British school, and she went to an American one her entire life, some of the pronounciations of the words we say may seem different. For example, the way I say the word "says" is completely different than the way she says it! And when I say mine, she'd immitate me with a British accent!!! Shakooo?! :O Humph. What else? Oh, words like: strawberries, croissants, copouns, and others as well, it's like, her ways of entertainment, she enjoys mocking me ;D

T'is okay though, tmoon ;** I just smack her head or get a quick boob grab in public to embaress her, we're like that. And for some reason, all the crazyness come out specially on Mondays and Wednesdays at Gust with us, I mean, we do go crazy on a daily bases. But the extremely high levels of stupidity, absurdity, brainlessness, idiocy, and imprudence manifest during those two days. I'm assuming it's because we spend hours in the afternoon under the sun between my 8 AM and 3.30 PM classes? It's the effect of the sun, damn it. But seriously, don't make fun of my little words here and there :( I loved the school I went to, and I'm so taking my kids there! <3
So yeah, about today! Ms. Q started hers with a date, thank you very much. I'm proud to be the first to announce that she has had one of the greatest first dates ever!
I hope she won't get pissed reading this, I'm just... Too happy for you baby! They went walking and he showed her where he lived with his family, they talked about everything and nothing <3

Oh, and he kissed her cheek goodbye, can he get any wonderful-ler? Ma3ti8id! He's a keeper, agoolaha, keep your claws on him Ms. Q! He's a catch ;D She met him at around 7 AM this morning, and came back to Gust at 10.30? Hmmm... Interesting ;p 3'a9ib ba7rijhaa! ;p She smiled all day <3 We left Gust as soon as she came, I drove to Avenues and she came with me, we had Chocolate Bar! Yum? I had waffles and she had Pasta, breakfast & lunch, hamaj. 5ala9na and we walked around for a while, looking at stores here and there, making mental notes of what to buy next time we're there.
A.T called when we were chilling at one of the million Starbucks branches there, and we decided to meet up at the beach for a walk, all three of us.

He's such a nice guy! Did I say that? Seriously, he's polite and shows so much respect! It's lovely *sniff* and Ms. Q adores him too, great friend ;D Ma 6awalna, saa3a maybe then we had to head back to Gust to we could study for our untouched I.T notes! And guess what?! We so managed to finish studying 20 minutes before class, it was Berfect! And the midterm wasn't that hard as well, we're not dildos after all.
I really hope this week goes really well, you know? We need it, we saw Mz before our midterm W KANAT MAADA BOOZHA! Why? For crying out loud, why? 7aram kserat 5a6ry awal shay, Ms. Q and I both kept asking her if something was wrong, so she'd talk and feel better? She just replied by saying no.

Okay, so you get to have the "I'm in a bad mood, and I wanna stay in a bad mood because I'm a bitch that way and it's non of y'all's business" day, I understand.
I have some of those, up to 6 or 7 seven days a month, it's normal, besides your period. Yup, I understand. But not when we're both having such a good day! I didn't wanna be selfish about it, so we stopped pressuring her into talking and kept her company until we started our midterm, we love her <3

One other thing... Something happened when we went back to Gust in the afternoon, before we started studying and everything. Again, why? :( *tears* Ms. Q and I were both making our way to the library, and it was a little crowded because of the Book Fair thingie? 3ugub ma dasheina, guess who was right infront of me? I even smelled his cologne as I passed by him looking at the ground! Kk... I HATE THE FACT THAT WE GO TO THE SAME UNIVERSITY! Ubey, when I saw him, I just died... Even Ms. Q felt the akwardness! She was like "whoa... That was akward" after we passed him as he walked out of the library. We made eye contact for like a milli second, then I had to look away. It was too painful! I thought maybe the best way to get over him fast is by avoiding Kk for the first few days? Yeah, that didn't work.

And you know what made the whole thing worse? I saw him twice after? Not from far away, but like, super close! Face to face kind of thing! :(
Cry me a river N. -Kk! But really, it just made all that overflow of powerful emotions come back... I'm obviously no where near over him...
Fuck. Make time pass by, yeah? Quick, not so slow, two years kind of quick, so I can graduate and leave Gust as well as Kk behind! Bleh...

I miss him.


N. -Kk



  1. awww!!
    I can imagine how awkward it was !! *rolls eyes* ma7eb awkward moments!! -.-
    I love your posts <3

  2. Akward moments are the worst! -.-
    Thank you, luv. They love you too <3

  3. Aww Ms Q and new guy <3 Adorable. Hope it works out for them!
    How can you stay out in the sun for that long! I asbigh like that *snaps fingers* w mind you I practically swim in sunblock every morning before I leave the house! If I was out that long arid.. ki7liya!

    I'm dying to know ay school you went to lana they all suck here *raises eyebrows* in degrees of course but still, suck! I heart A.T! 7adda he should be like.. your honorary big brother or something, cuteness. W aww *hug* I'm sorryy baby :( I kick him? Who graduates first, you or him? Can't he transfer -.-

  4. Ee Aww for real! <3
    Ay shay! I wanna be like that :( Dude, we spend hours under the sun w ham makoo fayda! :( Hfft, can we swap pigments please? Pretty please?

    N.E.S! ;D Fi9'a7t nafsee some more, I know. Pssh, whatever! *Rolls eyes*

    A.T is THE sweetest you'll ever meet Lilo! <3 Iyanin, we walked his doggie today and he splashed water at me at the beach -.- But was fun! ;D

    Kick him! Please again? I larv you! ;*

  5. Ma 6alabty shay! I'll get right on it!! N.E.S? I KNEW IT! Oooo what if I know you :O Or know of you! What if I don't like you! 3adi, I heart you wayid now :$ LOL wanasa you're so easily stalkable man. Not that I will, I suck at it :(

  6. You will? ;S Thank you! Fahmeeh that wayed ashya2 3aad, you know what to say :( LOL ;*

    Ee NES! Haha I don't think you'd wanna stalk me, not that my life is interesting in any way -.- I need more action in it, not drama, action. Fee farg -.-

    Hearts you too! <3 Ana a3almich afa 3aleich, I'll teach you the main techniques that you will quickly master, all your stalkees will be intimidated ;p Is that what you really want? :O

  7. Party pooper ;p Kint ba3almich :(

  8. LOL actually, I change my mind, imbala! magool no to educating experiences *looks around*

  9. LOL You make me proud! ;D
    Come to Gust :( We'll stalk the yummies there?
    I hope a guy doesnt read this ;p

  10. LOL! 3adi it's not like we're gonna have STALKER tattooed on our foreheads, I imagine your techniques are very subtle ;p 3ad I'm due for a visit hnak sometime next week -.- It's only fair, I dragged Stitch to my uni like a bajillion times already!

  11. Ee ta3alay! <3
    Mlaa79'a ina ga3deen nsoulif hnee? -.-
    You should come more often, man. It's fun there ;p

  12. lol! yeah :p I don't know, I'm generally not comfortable around new people w I barely know her friends, she's known mine for 3 years now :( It's easier 3indi *sniff* but yeah, a promise is a promise!

  13. I feel the same way with Ms. Q's friends. But sometimes we have to make an effort, you know? Out of respect for our friends, more than theirs, there's no harm in working on the comfortable issue thing. I know how it feels ;* A promise is a promise. And when you start feeling akward and stuff, let me know. I'll come and pretend like I need your help in something wan8ithich ;p
