Saturday, April 18, 2009

And By The End Of The Night I'ma Have You So Fucked Up

Song of the day: Paradiso Girls - Patron Tequila

Very unproductive day! Honest to God, I had the intentions of waking up at 9.30 AM and studying my ass off until the minute I'd go to sleep tonight, gilt ba5ali9 my presentation for American Lit. and do my Algebra homework! Did I do any of those? Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zero! So this is how my day started; Ms. Q called and woke me up, saying that she's having lunch with her family and coming over right after. I half expected her to say that, since she can't stand the fact that I'm away from her for more than 48 hours. She loves me. Thanks. Ms. Q, if you're reading this, stop being in denial, you know just as much as I do that you larv me, we're beyond that point in our relationship, it's not my ego speaking, really. You do, end of story! But no worries MyLady, I do as well, so there <3

Ilmuhim, I woke up, washed up, and got dressed while she had her lunch and drove over here. She didn't have to be all formal, call, and tell me she's outside, Ms. Q walked in through the kitchen door, and came up to my room after saying hello to my brothers. I opened the door for her and welcomed her with a "We're going to Starbucks 3dailiya to study." She agreed right away by saying "I knew that!", I laughed, grabbed my laptop, bag, and walked out my room. We drove away our neighbourhood, but before leaving the area, I took her so she'd see the house of one of my neighbours! He lived a few seconds away from us, a corner at the end of the street. I told her how I met him, it happened when I was groccery shopping the other day. Kint tawni 6al3a min Starbucks and I headed to the co-op to grab some last minute stuff dad usually forgets to buy whenever he goes for his weekly groccery shopping routines. I was in the Dairy Products department, when I spotted a guy behind me with his own 3arabaana buying all sorts of things.

It was obvious he was getting food and supplies for a family, 3arabaanta was almost full. It was amusing, I love it when I see young men shopping for their families, but I immediately thought he was married, madree leish. Then why has he been behind me all this time? Coincedence? I didn't wanna seem too confident, so I just continued getting what I needed. Again, still, he was always around, either on the same isles I'm in, adding chocolate bars or at other departments filling up his cart. Eventually, I went to the casheir, a7aasib wamshee, thankfuly, the lady finished her job quickly, and I was able to pay and leave. But just before walking out, I look to my left, and I see the same dude 7aasibing as well, mashaala, perfect timing much? Lol, he was cute, I have to admit, and the whole shopping for his familu thing is some points well scored, let me tell you. I smiled to myself and walked to my car, deliberately taking my time to see when he'd leave the co-op and head to his car. SLutty? No, come on. Innocent until proven guilty, I wasnt obvious at all, kilish *Looks up at her non-existent halo and giggles* Anywho, so I get in my car and wait for a couple of minutes for it to heat up. Who am I kidding? My eyes were glued to the door of the co-op to see when the dude leaves, ma 9aarat, shda3wa shaaree kil ijam3iya? I waited some more, forcing myself to believe that my car needed even more time to warm up.

Bleh... Finally, I reversed and drove out of the parking area. After leaving, I took the first U-turn on my left to head to my place a couple of blocks away. Where suddenly!!!!!!! Yup, you guessed it! I see him! Holy mother of shit... A Tawareq, next to me, about to U-turn as well, I still didn't look who was inside, I don't know why I felt like I had this urge to turn my head to the right and look at the driver of the car, yup, it was him! The irony of the whole situation! I waited for more than five minuted, which seemed so much longer while I was at it, expecting him to get out at any given moment; and when I finally give up, and drive away, he's right there next to me! Ahhh, shoot me. He's too cute! Was it just my imagination? Was I acting too desperate? I barely looked again, not wanting to seem very "out there" and plain transparent. So yeah, I reach the block before mine, and drove in there, realizing he was still behind me. Two options were circling in my head, he either lives close by next to my place, or he's being this really adorable jerk who's following me home? Rude much? Madree...

Fa gelt, let me play this game. Ba7oos wa7oos for a few minutes around the neighbour hoods and we'll see where it will get us, I was sure he'd get bored eventually and drive away. He didn't, I went to the small fer3 in that block and and did as well, he parked his car, walked in and left a minute later. Anyways, one thing led to another, and he had the nerve to come up to me and introduce himself! The balls! If he wasnt cute and super gentleman-ish the whole time, I would've killed him. But no, he was nice, and surprisingly, had a very good sense of humour! So we talked for a while, he told me that he always shops in this co-op since it's close to his house, he turned out to be living a few houses away from me! He laughed at the whole situation, us living next to each other, 3'a9ib neighbours ;p Then I did something completely stupid! We exchanged numbers, I wasn't interested in him that way... Not really, I mean he seemed nice and all, but I just didn't find that thing, that quality I liked in men. Nevertheless, I felt that it would be cool to get to know him, and we'd eventually be good friends.

I never met any of my neighbours after moving in, so this was nice. Hal 7achy 9ar a few days ago, and since then, we'd text and call occasionally to say hello, no biggies, no pressure, he wasn't forward at all, bil 3ags, he seemed extremely friendsly and mature, no cursing and very respectful. Despite the shyness and the I'm-nervous-and-I'm-trying-to-make-conversations vibe, he talked about himself and I got to know him a little better. He'll go by the name A.T, so yeah... Back to today. After leaving 3dailiya, Ms. Q and I felt like going for a walk ib Mamsha il Surra, madree leish, we didn't even know where it was -.- But what the hell, yeah? We'd find it soone or later. As I was driving around looking for it, A.T called, I asked Ms. Q to answer the phone since I was too busy driving and spoting any living creature walking in a training suit and assume that we're there already. We're such dildos, so she answers the phone and they started talking, she immediately got a good first impression of him, ya7leila he was nice and didnt act all formal and akward because a friend of mine answered the phone.

He later on asked where we were, and she told him that we're looking for il mamsha biSurra, and what does he say? No, really... What does he say? "Oh, leish ma geltooly? I wouldve asked you to take H. my dog to walk with you guys, you like dogs, dont you? Ofcourse you do!" and the way he said it, he was so enthusiastic about it, it was cute! She asked me whether or not I fancied the idea, I didn't mind really, I mean.. It's safe, mamsha ya3ni, and he wouldn't kill us. So I agreed, and at that point, Ms. Q was ecstatic! LOL I was just glad she was happy. So I went over to his place, and we took H., his dog. That thing was big, yo! Like... Humongous, not even. Ms. Q was all like :O "Shit, dude he's a bear!" I laughed at her facial expressions and looked at the dog, he really was huge. But in a good way, he seemed very friendly and hearted Ms. Q right away. A.T didnt join us, because he has just gotten home to take a shower, get dressed and head back to his friend in the hospital, since he was looking after him for a few days. Sweet, yeah? 7ada! So we reached our destination, thank Goodness, and started walking. H. was so quiet! It wasnt even funny! He's a big ass dog for crying out loud! Leish may6ali3 wala 9out? Too awesome, I started to like him too. We walked for about half an hour, and it started to get too hot, for us and for H. so we headed back to A.T's place to drop him. The entire ride home, H. was laying down occupying all of the back seats, chilling, while the windows were rolled down and he loved the music we had on! LOL He didn't show it or anything, but he didn't seem to mind the loud music <3 As soon as we got to our neighbourhood, I helped H. out of the car, he seemed so lazy and light headed, might be from the heat, poor guy. A.T thanked us and asked me whether or not we had a good time with his dog, it really was fun, and I definately appreciated the fact that H. didnt drool, pooped, or pissed on my back seats. I didn't tell A.T that, thinking he'd believe I'm moo 9a7ya, so I just told him that we enjoyed his company, and Ms. Q wanted to do it more often.

He replied by saying that he was sure H. loved the walk as well, and he'd love to do it again anytime soon. We said our goodbyes and headed back home after my mother called, we walked in, washed up, and hung out with her for a while. Ms. Q hasnt seen her in days, so they catched up while I finished washing up. We spent the next hour in my room talking about the randomest shit <3 I tried studying after she left, but I seriously wasnt in the mood for any reading or writing. Blehh... I feel guilty for wasting a perfectly good weekend! I decided to skip my Maths quiz, since I was told that it's okay to drop one of them? But F. wouldnt let me! I said that I wouldnt have the time to meet him so he'd tutor me but he wasnt convinced and managed to convince me otherwise. Wei3, I have so much on my plate! I'ma just drop dead tomorrow, and I'm blogging, seriously? I just wanna go to sleep, Ms. Q said she couldn't sleep, tfaker feeny adree. She's so see through! We've decided to meet up tomorrow at 8 AM to walk at the beach, then she'd head to her class while I get ready at home then head to Gust as well. I pray to God I'll be up by then and start the day well. Inshalla, I need this week to be okay and flow well, malee 5ilg drama and chaos! But you know how Gust is, mehh... Keeping my fingers crossed w inshalla 5air.

P.S. F. told me about this must-read novel, it looks great, I've done some research about it and I think I'ma order it from since they don't have it in Kuwait, madree leish. But yeah, I recommend it, the novel's called House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. For those of you whole like reading about Ergodic Literature.
I'm not lame, yeah? I just like reading, a huge fanatic and proud, thanks. Aight, yo.

Good night




  1. you're not lame :O Reading is the best thing ever!
    LOL 7abait the "bear" woyy abii :( I know what you mean, wai3 I hate wasting time, i need to be productive but i'm too lazy! Your neighbor seems sweet ya7laila! Good luck studying, stop procrastinating!!

  2. Dude, don't use big words, I'm not as smart as you! :( lol ee ta3alay walk with us when we take H. again! It'll be fun ;* Arent we all lazy? Humph. Thank you babe! ;D

  3. Imagine Lilo comes with? O.o
    woah... totally should...

  4. And Stitch! La tinsein ;p
    She's mi5tafya faj2a... But yeah, totally should.
