Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weezy F. Baby & The "F" Is For A Bunch Of Shit. Red Drank, Blue Pill, White Dust! Yes I Love My Country, Bitch.

I just poked my right eye so hard! Seriously, fucking hurts, man! Aaaaa7! And K., my brother was laughing his ass off? 7mar, it really does hurt! I started tearing up, not from il 3awaar though, but because my hands were dusty and like... I don't know, 7asaseya? Chub. Y'all know what I'm saying. Hfft. You know what I need right now? Ms. Q, what was that drink we got from Caribue? Passion Fruit Smoothy with wildberry? Madree, but SHIT IT WAS SO GOOD! <3 My new favorite drink. So yeah, Ms. Q calls me yesterday, and asks what are plans are, ofcourse. We always make plans during the weekends, like we need more people saying we're lesbians, it's not enough that we hang out during the week, before, during, and after classes. No, we do it in the weekends as well, keifhum. I love spending time with her, what we do is so fucking pointless, it's not even funny <3 So yeah, I told her I have a class at 2, fa let's so something gabil? She agreed, I met her at Gust parking at around 12 and we drove off, ri7na Caribue - Free Zone!

Everyone was studying -.- I'm just glad we got our books, man. We wouldn've felt tiny or stupid if we haven't. Yup. And while we were in so much denial, holding our books and trying to focus, who walks in? This dude who used to work for mama, he's in his mid twenties, 7ada yum? I've seen him a few times where my mom works, and she introduced me to him the first time. So everytime I'd go there to see umi, he'd be there and I'd say hi because I'm nice. He's so shy, though! Barely any eye contact, and mom keeps talking about him at home for the past couple of years? Like na8za marry the guy? Not because we'd get along and act all "I love you" and shit, no. Because, she just wants him to be her son in law, she really does love him, I don't blame her. He's effin hot. Il muhim, as soon as he walked in, he gave me the "Erm... I think I know her, should I go say hi?" kind of look. And I gave him the "Oh, you! I know you, mom's ass wiper! Ta3al, ta3al! Say hello to me, marry me, you're hot, I heart you <3" look. No contact, no talking, thanks. He just sat at the corner, but the thing is, everytime I'd look at his direction, I'd spot him from the corner of my eyes, and he'd be looking but pretending to be reading as well? Ms. Q made fun of him lana moo 3ajibha! O.o 3ala keifich? He's just so adorable, and what I like about him is that he's such a hard worker! I love that about guys, he doesn't waste his time, and the looks are just a plus <3

Anyways!!!!! As he got up to get another cup of coffee, he approaches us, and here, I'm all hyperventilating, like what the fuck? What are you doing to me, my darling? I just hope that I looked fine, so he came, and stood infront of me with a smile. "Erm, sorry bas intay bint... mentions mom's name?" He asks, getla yeah I am, and he smiled again, that smile, man! It was awesome, kint bagari9 5dooda! Gushy mushy pushy!!!! Wei3. Let's call him Mr. Gar3a, yeah? Okay. *Stops, A.T calling right now, 7adee mnafsa 3aleih, wei3.. I hate it when I'm like this, seriously! Shakoo anafes 3aleih? Because mga9er ma3ay? because he didn't call today? Shinu ya3ni? He's not my boyfriend, damn! I'm telling him I have work to do, and now I'm typing it down. Great, I need to hang up. I did. After saying bye.*

He so knows I'm mad as shit at him. Okay, moving on.

Salfa thanya? I'm thinking, this post is so fucking pointless, oh! Ms. Q wasn't feeling well today! At all! 7aram :O 7ayaty, I kept asking if she needed anything, I took her home 'cause her Moz. wouldn't start, then I picked her up after my class, she felt a bit better, but then felt worse! I was going to cry! I hated seeing her that way, seriously.. She was just fine that morning, but she did feel a bit sick last night. Bleh! Mara7 a5aleeha takil min bara again, fuck food poisoning! You know what I hate about Gust parking? The speed bumps! Why, God? Why did they have to put them? And what's even worse is that they're tiny, they fuck up my car! Ma3tirif feehim though, so I don't slow down ;D Yeah, all my friends complain about my attitude towards ma6abaz, I. Hate. Them. Them, and traffic lights, yellow is green to me, yo. That's that. You know what I miss? My iPod! <3 It's with Bader, my friend, he's such a buttocks. I asked him to feed it songs and songs and more songs, but I haven't seen him in so long! I miss him too, sure.

Kitten and I left during our break today for our alone time, we went to McD's and had lunch there, I called L. and asked him to join us, he did. I haven't seen him in a while, 7mar. But the thing is, he came in a white Range, that's not his car, kalb he drives a black one, hmmm... Who was in the car with him? My cosine. Why? Why did he have to bring her? They're good friends and all, but we don't get along, actually I don't get along with family from my dad's side. So why? To make things akward? He'd do that just to push my buttons. But thank God, she didn't get out of the car, he was just coming for a few minutes lana kint abee sha3'la minah and catch up, fa I'm guessing he didn't tell her he's meeting us. A7san, I don't want her to know, tsaweely salfa, she's all possisive and stuff. And keeps talking shit about me? What the...? But I ignore everything, keifha. Whore. Family ties, my ass. She can shove the ties up hers. Inzein? Wei3. Wa95a (Kilmat Ms. Q)

By the way, more and more people are getting tanned at Gust, we notice 'em everyday! And us? No. Why? Because God doesn't want us to tan, no. Everytime we decide to the night before, Ms. Q and I, the day after turns out to be dusty or humid or madri shinu! ;/ Wei3, no? 7ada! :O Blehhh... We just made plans, naby tomorrow, let's just hope and see. I'll pray for some sunshine tonight, yes. It's karma, that's it. We do bad things, and karma bites us in the ass like a fucking hound dog. I've been reading this novel the past few days, it's called High Noon 7ag Nora Roberts, Lilo, you like reading. You'll love this author, 7adha shebangbang, man. I love her work <3 WHITE C. shifta ilyoum!!!!! Did I make a big deal about it then? No, because I was alone, and I'd just look stupid ishti6iying about it alone, so yeah. I didn't say anything, but aaaaah I will now. He really is yum! But Ms. Q isn't his biggest fan because she thinks he looks like a sister of a friend of ours? What the fuck...? How? He's so beautiful <3

Anywho, I parked my car at 10 AM this morning, and ofcourse, he was standing outside 9oub il Parking at West. "Waiting for me" Ihem *coughs* He was having a smoke with his friend, so because I'm an ass, and I'm crazy about him, I pass by RIGHT next to him, but it wasn't ashkara kilish! We brushed shoulders <3 Wei3, why am I all psyched up about it? Shda3wa? I'm not 13. But shasawee?! He's like that! ;D Enough about him, wei3. I don't like him that much anyways, and plus, his woman's cheating on him. Shift'ha ams at Gust loving doving someone else, why would I assume they're not friends and she's cheating on White C., you say? Because they were super close and he was OBVIOUSLY flirting with her and she was all shy and shit, gross. *Sticks finger down throat and throws up* Not really. Keifhum, he's probably a player as well. Whatever. Guys suck balls. They're just horrible.

I have 4 articles due in for my 8 AM class tomorrow, bitch. She gives us so much shit to handle in just a couple of days, and I barely did anything? No, I didn't even start. Bas il website maftoo7, ti3abt. I was about to!!!!! Before I noticed that Stitch wrote a new post, if I fail this course, she shall be blamed. Yes. Kila minha, Lilo2o zifeeha, yeah? Kick, please. Thanks ;* Oh and yeah, Fz my best friend called me today, and while we were talking, she asked if I sent our friend a message during the weekend for her birthday. I felt so bad because I haven't! Mainly because I didn't even know it was her birthday, but I shouldn've known! She's been my friend for about six years now! Inshalla athabit! I'm like that, I suck with dates and birthdays and all that :| *Pokes her other eye* Is it too late to send a happy belated now? I mean, it's been a couple of days, not a very long time since. No? Fashla? I know! 7ada! But Fz was like "You should ya 7mara, it's better than nothing! Just send her a message" so yeah, I will.

And BY THE WAY! I hate the forward text messages they keep sending about the dudes ilee yrash7oon nafis'hum! I don't care where your effin ma8ar is, I have more serious shit to take care of, like school work! Wei3, wa95een. I'm not pms-ing, that's the funny thing. Just the shitty mood.

I'm off, ba5ali9 hazift ilee 3andee for the morning w banam. A.T can call min ilyoum lei bacher, I'm not gonna answer 'cause nigga please, don't act like an ass with me. I hate it. As soon as I hung up from him tawa, dasheit 3ala Ms. Q online and...

N. -Kk says:
A.T just called, i so nafast 3aleih, i feel bad
Ms. Q says:
why'd you do it if you feel bad
N. -Kk says:
la2ana!!!!! t5ayilay he didnt call me ilyoum kilish at all. Even after he sent me msg saying he's gonna call before work and he didnt. I need attention, okay? Oh and by the way, u havent seen him in three days? Not that he'd give three shits.
Ms. Q says:
N. -Kk says:
Ms. Q says:
i thought you didnt care but you do
N. -Kk says:
what? i dont
just saying..
Queen de vous says:


N. -Kk says:
we'll see, i won't call or text today..
Ms. Q says:
or tomorrow, wait for him, n if he's like where've you been you say you've been busy or you left your phone at home, use a stupid excuse like his stupid face.
N. -Kk says:
LOOOOL dat's funnyyyyy! He has a game now, like in 15 mins. he's like what you doing? i was like just studying, then bed. he was like tabeen a5aleech tadriseen? i was like yeah? bye.. he's like oh, okay. bye. tara i wanna complain, i wanna bitch about it.. inzein? i'm glad you're reading this, thank you.
Ms. Q says:
lol i am

And the conversation goes on about shoes and plans for tomorrow.

Inzein, bas. Gargart waajid. I wanna go to sleep, maybe I should ;D And fuck my work, yeah? Okay. Yup, that's the plan.

P.S. Kk had a hair cut.. Just saying. He looked at me today, just saying. I miss him, just saying..

Good night.

N. -Kk



  1. I love Caribou smoothies <3
    Why didn't you stop by my jam3a? *sniff* I are a sad penguin :( Everyone is ALWAYS studying there, it's depressing!! We're always making the most noise and end up feeling awkward.. w kila jam3a people so yuck. Stopped sitting there -.- DEATH TO ALL OF YOU! DEATH, I SAY!

    LOL @ your mom's ass wiper.. 3ajabni the job title ;p Salamat to Ms Q! I need to type faster, must nap before I leave house so I don't sleep during class :( Okay, where was I? I love Nora Roberts.. =O see? we're meant to be. Yalla ta3ali khi6beeni ;$ I haven't read that one though! Fee this book of hers though.. I got it initially lana I wanted to lick the cover? Looked so yummiful. Fee 2 stories dakhla.. I forgot isma but yeah -.- If you haven't read it, I give stitch she give you! And Chesapeake Blue <3 I love mr. painter man in story. He is yum. *bites him*

    I hate ma6abat too!! So annoying *glares at them* aww A.T!! I mean.. ewwww A.T 7markalbtais how dare he not call you all day -.- Zain tsaween. Train him. lol no I joke bas yeah seriously, a7san.

    Hair cut? really? Does he still have "homo hair" 3ala golat Ms Q? lol she funny. He misses you too 7abeebtii *hug* mu kaifa a9lan! And I shall gladly kick whoever you want me to. Including myself for this longass comment. I are very sorry :*

  2. I know! Ee il kil kan ga3ed yadres and we were all -.- We do not belong here, no, Sir. Alla ysalmich! She's so much better now, 7amdella. With all the drugs her dad got her and everything, she's okay-ish. I'm just waiting for her 'till she's done showering, then I don't know what we're doing, no classes 'till 3.30 -.- Wie3! :O I shall a56ib you ;* Ajee ilyoum? ;D Ma6abat are shit, okay? They're the shit, not in a good way. And A.T IIISSS wei3! He called last night, the whole "adree inee mga9er ma3ach" and bla bla bla. I just forgot about it, and he just called to say good morning, so that's okay? He's good? <3 Yes. So no kicking for today, but thank you for your services ;* Not Homo! Ms. Q is kalba! :( And now, after he cut his hair, she's all Oh My, N. -Kk! He's hawt! :O Blekh, see? :(

  3. Okay, you need to point out hot guys to me! Cuz i only have eyes for scottie<3

    WARNING: this shall be a longass comment.

    OMG I POKE MYSELF IN THE EYE ALL. THE. TIME! :( misakeen i7na *group hug* ..... *grabs ur Lilo's ass*


    ee... el mohim!

    IM SORRY FOR POSTINGG! next time asta2thin minnich before i do anything like that :O ma asti7i 3ala wayhee!

    abi smoothieeee!!!

    U guys 7adkom Lilo&Stitch, or i7na 7adna intaw since you're older! We see eachother once a week now cuz of inti5abat :( *stabs self*

    oh oh! Did u guys take phylosophy (sp?) yet? If not you'r totally taking it with me in the summer!

    wait... are u taking summer courses?

    I love the professor!! I was ga3da ib north 3al tables that are closest to my class, shifta passing i was like "hey sir," and he was like "hello" w pointed to class, and i was like "i don't want to go to class, will you swipe for me?" *angel face* and he laughed n asked for my card!!!! EHABBIL!

    i bet u took philosophy already cuz my luck is just that awesome. Let me know. Is this very stalkery of me? :( i feel so sorry for myself i've never taken a class with a friend!... illi ysma3ny ygol it's not my first semester, but you know!

    omg im like... writing a post ib ur comment thing! chub stitch yal kalba!

    OHH SALAMAT MS.Q!!! goleelha stitch tgollich that you're sexy :(

    ok i go now!

    sorry for spamming!!!! ;****

  4. 7ayaach ;$ aww ee we like him again? :D yayness. and aww the kk thing :( *hug again* 7markalbtais. Man7iba!

  5. Stitch; Yal Maynoona! 7atan hnee random comments?? ;p I love them! ;* Ana ashtireelich smoothie afa 3alietttss bas afaa <3 And the one I got! Abeech tjarbeena, it's so yum? ;D She is sexy! I braided her hair today! Thumbs up for me, yo. I'm awesome! Can't wait to have a kid chick ;D Ee! I took Philosophy :( But if I'm taking summer courses, we'll see what we can take together, okay? And if not the same class, 3al a8al the same time so we can have breaks together ;D 3ala keify making plans without asking for your opinion -.- I'm an ass like that.

    Lilo; 7ayaay? Yalla, we'll do it, and Vegas baby for honeymoon? <3 *Hugs both of you* Yeah, we don't n7iba, bas shwaya, though? :(

  6. Oh yay! Sokay make all the plans you want :( i need friends :( *hugs self* ... maskeena! la bas walla 9ej thatd be cool 3ashan nroo7 lilos jam3a neg3ad 3indaha in our breaks!

    Wanasaaaaa, bayee jam3a 7jabless one day 3ashan u braid mine *pout*

    yay shukran shukran *blush blush* smoothie from n.-kk here i come!

    btw, add me on msn, not that im ever online ya3ni bas ur a very interesting person!! LOL is it okay to say that to people to their face?

    oh well :P omg i want a kid chick! i need someone to make over all the time!

  7. A7na moo your friends?? :O 7ena rab3itss ;*
    *Hugs you* Ee inshalla, if I take 9aifee wit you guys :( Afa 3aleich bas, I'll braid it for you! ;D Okay, gimmiee your email, I'm not always online as well ;p
